OPEX Remote Coaching

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CrossFit Open Strategy: 19.1

By now we have all learned what the CrossFit Open Workout 19.1 is:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

19 wall-ball shots
19-cal. row

Women: 14lb WB to 9’ Men: 20lb WB to 10’

Our OPEX RC coaches break down this workout, giving some ideas on how to warm up for and attack 19.1 so that you get your best score possible. You can find the OPEX RC Open Strategy Guide for 19.1 here:

OPEX RC Open Strategy Guide 19.1

Keep on the look out for our 19.1 video coming out Friday across all @bigdawgsathlete social channels. This video will include our coaches and athletes going into further detail on the workout and our athletes completing their first open workout of 2019.

Good luck this Open season! And don't forget to use our tag #BDOpen2019